Asia India Travel Stories

Our Wedding Proposal Story: Getting Engaged in Orchha, India

Chhatris of Orchha, India

Nothing but pure bliss fills my heart when I think about our wedding. I am very excited to share the story on our travel blog since we decided to keep it personal until it was all over but I feel like it is best to begin the story with Jon’s wedding proposal (again, something we had kept among family and friends until we thought we would be ready to share it to the world). I will be posting the story of our wedding after this one.

The Pressures of Getting Married

“Does he have plans to get married?” “Has he proposed yet?” There came a point during our travels when my family (my mom, in particular) kept asking these kind of questions. For someone who came from quite a conservative family, going away with Jon was frowned upon for a while. I tried not to get affected by it but there were times when I also questioned if we would end up spending the rest of our lives together. My frustrations would often lead to misunderstandings and my need to feel reassured often got the best of me. As Jon and I continued to travel and experience more, I realised that we needed time to figure things out for the future and pushing our relationship to a place where it wasn’t ready to be may just lead to disaster. I am happy. We are happy. At that stage, it didn’t matter anymore if there was a ring on my finger. I chose to be with Jon and I couldn’t imagine sharing the journey around the world with anyone else.

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Reunited in India

Apart from seeing the wonder of the world, the Taj Mahal, I had very little interest in visiting India. After Jon showed me some photos of the palaces and forts of Rajasthan, I realised how little I knew about this country and I became excited to go there. After a few months away from one another after our big trip around the world, I reunited with Jon in India (he had been there for a couple of months already). I was so thrilled to finally see his face again, I forgot how worried I was about how I’d cope with this new country.

For two weeks, we travelled across the different towns and cities of Rajasthan. Impressive architecture and opulent lifestyle, Rajasthan has completely changed what I thought I knew about India. Despite the evident poverty as you travel around the cities, there was so much elegance and beauty in this region.

The majesty of the Taj Mahal was our next stop. I would forever cherish my first sight (from Mehtab Bagh) of this magnificent wonder. It was indeed a great manifestation of true love. The next day, Jon and I visited the site itself and while I was still in awe of how beautiful the structure is, I was dismayed by how busy the place was. The proposal didn’t happen here (and I was glad it didn’t).

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The Wedding Proposal at Orchha

Very few people we’ve met who travelled in India have been to Orchha. This historic small town in Madhya Pradesh was where Jon chose to ask the big question on July 13, 2016.

It was nearly sunset and the chhatris (cenotaphs), located near the banks of Betwa river had already been closed to public but we managed to get permission from the gatekeeper to have a quick look around before the end of the day. The place was enchanting. Jon and I went to explore the different chhatris in the site and searched for one where we could climb up for a better view. After a few attempts, we found one at the very end with stairs that led up to the second floor.

Jon went to sit by one of the window openings that looked towards the courtyard and asked me to sit down beside him. I thought it was just to enjoy the view. He looked at me and said “Do you like cheap rings?” I laughed and replied, ” It depends.” Then he asked, “Do you want to get married?” as he handed me a charming amethyst ring. I replied, “Yeah.” We kissed and said I love you’s. I couldn’t believe it. It was surreal. Finally, after 3 years of being together, we’re engaged!

Everything fell into place at the right time. After everything Jon and I had been through, we both knew we were ready for the next step in our relationship.

Did you get engaged overseas? Where did your fiance pop the big question? Let us know.

About the author

Gia Kristel Algie

Currently based in New Zealand, Gia grew up in Manila, lived in Singapore for three years and travelled the world for nearly two years. From watching sunsets to hiking mountains, she loves the outdoors. She enjoys living in big cities but takes pleasure staying in quaint, small towns. An aspiring photographer and budding writer, she is the voice behind Mismatched Passports, a travel blog dedicated to the journey around the world with her husband, Jon.

1 Comment

  • Hi Gia and Jon.. its a sheer delight to read your love story that reached an important milestone in Orchha. Incidentally this is one destination in India where tons of weddings take place every year. Just a few days ago, 4 Spanish couples took their marital vows here. Something about this land i am proud of. If ever you plan to come to Orchha again, do visit the haveli that I run here.
    Thanks for this blog.

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