Asia South Korea

Love Locks at N Seoul Tower (N 서울타워), South Korea

nseoul tower

Saranghaeyo (사랑해요)” which means “I love you” is one of the first few phrases I have learned in Korean. However, knowing how to say these words in a different language doesn’t make it any easier to understand its meaning. People on this side of the globe, however, seem to be pretty well-versed in the art of romance and are keen to show their affection out in the open. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Koreans do a lot of PDA, but “couple culture” is quite huge in this country.

Love Locks Seoul Tower Couple Korea Heart

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the love locks phenomenon has hit Seoul! I was still surprised; no, I was thrilled to see love locks at N Seoul tower! I didn’t expect to see anything like it until I set foot in Paris! (I’m really looking forward to seeing that love locks site too!)


Love Locks

Hundreds, maybe thousands of locks hung along the fences of the roof terrace, and along “love lock” trees at N Seoul Tower on Mt. Namsan. LOVE LOCKS are padlocks inscribed with names and sometimes words of affection which are fixed unto public fixtures (ie a bridge, gate or fence) as a symbolism of commitment and eternal love between two people.

The love locks at N Seoul Tower are considered a tourist attraction and have been designated as a place to celebrate this international tradition. However, there are cases in some countries where these are treated as vandalism rather than an expression of love. What do you think?

The Key

The key to the love padlock is then thrown away as a promise not to separate. Since this key-throwing has caused some issues for the environment of Mt. Namsan, a key bin has been provided for the public to throw their keys in.

love post

To add to the “romantic feel” of N Seoul Tower, there is the HEART CHAIR, a heart-shaped bench designed to bring couples together. Now isn’t that sweet?

It’s too bad that I had be alone on the bench that day (Jon wasn’t with me in Korea) but I think the place is quite charming especially for young couples.

love seat

N Seoul Tower

Apart from the Love locks, the view from the N Seoul tower is amazing in itself. It was autumn when we were there and the beautiful colours of fall were simply captivating.

seoul tower cable car

N Seoul Tower Cable Car

seoul tower staircase

Have you been to the N Seoul Tower in Korea? Have you spotted other love locks locations during your travels? Let us know.

About the author

Gia Kristel Algie

Currently based in New Zealand, Gia grew up in Manila, lived in Singapore for three years and travelled the world for nearly two years. From watching sunsets to hiking mountains, she loves the outdoors. She enjoys living in big cities but takes pleasure staying in quaint, small towns. An aspiring photographer and budding writer, she is the voice behind Mismatched Passports, a travel blog dedicated to the journey around the world with her husband, Jon.

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